I love creating and adding those little details to my home, that really show off my personality in à la maison. I love shabby chic style home decorating ideas and some would describe my home as having an eclectic home décor style.
I started a few months ago adding little details here and there from homemade photo frames to Signs on the walls and interior doors, I haven’t stopped since. My Teenage son said it has become an addiction! I truly wish I had a bigger house as there are not enough walls to hang my prints, photos and signs on anyone, but you have to work with what you have got right.
I will take you on a tour of my home and show you what home decorating ideas we have put together and in some cases made to give our home a truly eclectic feel and personality.
Home Decorating Ideas for the Living Room
My Living room has a real mad mix of interesting objects, cushions and lighting. I wallpapered my Chimney breast with a fantastic stone effect wallpaper that I found, which looks like an old imperfect wall. Instead of a fire as the centre piece I have filled the hole with logs, which I think complements the chimney breast perfectly. The great thing about coming up with your own home decorating ideas is simple touches like adding flickering lights to the log pile makes them glow and appear to be on fire, making it quite a romantic addition to he living room.
I have plenty of lighting in my room from French chandelier style lamps, icicles style lights, a chrome crown, and a personal favourite a teacup and saucer lamp! Honestly, there are so many great ideas when it comes to lighting options. It really depends on the feel you want for the room. What’s important is that your lighting gives the room the right amount of brightness and ambiance to work or relax in.
I recently purchased some rather nice bookends which were in the sale for only £2.49. I found some of my old classics books and a few new books to display between the bookends. With my home decorating ideas flowing I also found a very eclectic pure white skull, which is actually a money box but I bought for decoration purposes and paid only £1.99 for it.
My doorstop always provides great amusement when people come over, My very fake, very light one Ton Doorstop holds open my room door perfectly whilst looking very interesting.
Out on display is my favourite item in the room my home-made Scrabble Picture, this was my actual scrabble game from when I was 8 years old and my husband has spelt out all our names on the board and mounted it in a lovely plain frame from Ikea. It is these simple great ideas that make decorating in your own style really add your personality. I also had made my favourite photo frame out of an old computer Keyboard.
My personality really comes out in all my many cushions covering my sofas, From a scrabble picture cushion, a handmade skull cushion, to one that simply says “Be nice or leave”. I would rather shop for cushions than shoes any day of the week, because I always seem to be thinking about home decorating ideas where ever I go and I get so much satisfaction from seeing my home every day.
Eclectic home decor Hallway & Landing
My Hall and landing all simply all one colour White, a period style White decorated with white photo frames with pictures of the family in. I have a very large oversized mirror in the Hall that was once Gold and belonged to my parents, I still remember putting my make-up on in this Mirror before a night out with the girls when I was 18 years old!
I have hung some really cute Shabby Chic style lighting over the front door, opposite I have placed some candles, a School style bell and a sign simply saying ‘Remember as Far as anyone Knows, we are a normal family’.
My own home decorating ideas mean signs play a big part on my landing area, here are the others I have out on display. My Mirror was a bargain at only £5.00 from a car boot sale! It reminds me of sleeping beauty due to it’s oval shape and ecliptic detailing.
My Bedroom
I have recently decorated my bedroom, by adding a massive statement sign above my bed take a look how to make one yourself. I also found some stunning cushions from British home stores to really compliment the plain black bedding.
I hope you enjoyed looking at my quirky little home decorating ideas, I find people respond to it a little bit like Marmite, they either love it or Hate it and I love it!
Thank you for reading this post! I hope you enjoyed a trip around my home. I would love to hear your thoughts both good and bad. If you have any ideas that you feel make work in my home or even your’s please do share them with us! I am sure my family would most definitely love to add some more unique style’s to our home.

I love individuality – yes it is a “Marmite look” but if it is your home as long as you are happy – that is all that matters!
Thank you! We have fun dotting things around, although not too much because I hate clutter ha. As long as your home is comfortable & cosy, you can make it as quirky as you like. Home Sweet Home. Thank you for your comment!
What lovely ideas! And great photos. Thank you for the inspiration – I may well flatter you by copying some of these great touches.
Ha, Thank you for your lovely comment! It would be lovely if you copied some of my ideas, it’s one of those homes where you either love it or hate it. I would love to see some quirky additions you make to your home. Rachel x
Rachel, I love your home. Thanks so much for sharing. I think everyone’s home should reflect them and their personality! I get some funny looks in my home because it’s fill with Disney dolls, ornaments and snow globes. People assume I have a daughter (I don’t) but it’s what I love and it makes me happy 🙂
Thanks for your lovely comment! I used to collect Disney & Barbies and I do not have a daughter either. I love to see things I love out on display, although my collection of Elvis things were not allowed out on display 🙁
Lovely photos! You have a lovely home!
I love it! I think you have a very similar style to me 🙂 x
Fab style really different pieces. I love the scrabble board, the optician Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder poster and the keyboard frame. Great ideas! I love the family pics up the wall too. I have been meaning to get some up for ages now. It’s given me a kick!
It took me a while to get my pictures up too! If you can see from my picture I have frames out on a table in my living room that have not even got pictures in yet! My sister actually thought it was a new style I was doing, I didn’t want to take them down as I thought by keeping them out It might push me to order my prints, I still haven’t got the prints for the frames and the frames are tucked under my sofa! The scrabble board is one of my favorite things too, My husband is very creative!
All very beautiful, I love the wood store.
I absolutely approve 100% of your home decor, I love the quirky ornaments and what brilliant idea to make a picture frame out an old keyboard !
I can see why you said Marmite, but that is a male thing, they tend to like a lot brown. It is a practical and unobtrusive colour and does not distract from your frankly rather wonderful ornaments. I love the keyboard Picture frame, and I’m simply nuts about your tea-cup and saucer lamp !
Funky key board frame! 🙂
Love the drop your pants here sign
I really love the style of every room. Very sleek and funky, but something that would be your personal design no one will have. Great post!
Thank you, It means so much that someone actually likes my taste, I love it obviously, Just did not really think anyone would get it! Thanks so much for the comment, you have made my night 🙂
I like those little personal homey touches.. We have very little in our house, but my wife seems to be picking them up more and more..
Creative ideas! Very different from the norm.
How creative! I really love the Scrabble picture!
Wow! Your entire house is a treat! All of it is so Pinterestic!
I really like all your attention to details! It really makes your room 🙂 Super cute items and creations. Everything blends quite well. I especially like the added touch of “scrabble” in a few of the spaces!
I love your home and the different styles you have in it.
You have a lovely home. Thanks for sharing it with us x
I love your home it looks fantastic
Nice idea. Make your mark, make your house your home.
I love your home, ours is a complete mismatch of everything and in dire need of decorating but it is our and has our stuff in it. Showing your personality is very important. You have some fab ideas and lovely items.
Your home is so lovely, I’m useless when it comes to style and design, I’m decorating mine at the moment and stuck for some ideas. You have inspired me now actually as I have a wall in my livingroom that I’ve been looking for pictures for and I love your Scrabble one, so different and I love the game, so am going to see if I can find one like it, it would go so well. Thanks for this, it was lovely reading and looking at the pics of your home x
I absolutely love it!!!! I love all the little bits and bobs that make a house a home…..even if the other half moans about what he call my tat!!! lol 😉
I do not like everything you have on display but it has certainly given me some ideas for my own home.
Lovely home! I think its so important to love your rooms – whichever style you prefer. Lots of inspiration in the pictures you’ve shared. Thank you!
I wish I had a more artistic eye like you. I like how you have an eclectic style. Mine is a mish mash of styles as a lot are hand me downs.
I love your home – it’s more than lived in but less than show home where you’re scared to even breathe. x
I love individuality. Your quirky touches are fab. I especially like the signs.
Love the logfire and the wall behind it!
I suppose many people’s home are like marmite. Great pictures
Love all your quirky bits x
It sure is a Marmite home. I love it, my husband says it is “too full”; but hey what does he know, he would be happy with an armchair in a middle of an unpainted, undercoated room.
I think I will be trying to bring a little of this into our house (when hubby is out so he cant complain) 🙂
I Don’t like Marmite but I LOVE what you have done with your house – I think its mega important to stamp your own personality (and that of your family) on where you live. After all that’s really what makes bricks & Mortar a HOME 🙂
What lovely pics! I love all of the different items – I particularly like the pictures along your stairs and all of the different crowns. What a fab home – thanks for sharing! x
Thank you Riely for your comments!
the keyboard keys picture frame is great!
Love that fireplace and the crown is beautiful. You have some lovely touches there, fascinating to have a little look around your house!
Love looking at how others have decorated their houses! Gives some great inspiration! Love the keyboard photo frame!
Love looking at all your nice things, like watching an episode of Through the Keyhole. Your scrabble picture is fab, but don’t think I would fancy the skull. And seeing your books there, what a coincidence, I linked up my old review of The Lady of The Rivers onto ReadWithMe linky earlier this week. #retroblogposts
I love looking back at that picture as at the minute I am living with concrete floors and chaos all over my house due to a flood.I like quirky things, although sometimes I am not so good at arranging it all and my room can look a little mixed up!