Over the years everyone seems to forget what we loved about great family movies from the past! I am often on he look out for films I used to watch when I was growing up. In fact some of my families favourite flicks have been the older movies when CGI was in it’s infancy and the movies seemingly had oodles of personality. Maybe you should revisit some of the best family movies which were originally released on VHS video and now many of the can be purchased in blu-ray format, although in my opinion I do prefer watching them on the VHS player that I still have in my home.
I generally find a lot of the video’s in charity shops at car boot sales and online. This is one of my top money saving tips which will keep your kids entertained and save you a little cash whilst you put on a great family movie night for your family.
The beauty of purchasing old family movies.
I sometimes wish we could wind the clock back to when we were younger. The main thing I miss is the amazing stories that seemed so different on when we watched movies as children. Most of the family movies from the past can often be bought from as little as £1 depending on where you shop! So, if you’re looking for a great movie to watch over lets say, the weekend or during the school holidays, you can pretty much watch one every night for hardly any money at all.
Hopefully this post will be thought provoking and maybe help you remember which family movies you loved when you were younger! So, let me show you 10 Family Movies that you must see and watch with your kids.
The Best 10 Family Movies from the 80’s & 90’s
1. Ghostbusters (1984)
2. Back to the future (Again) (1985)
3. Gremlins (1984)
4. Adventures in babysitting (1987)
5. Stand by Me (1986).
6. Goonies (1985)
7. Flight of the navigator (1986)
8. Drop dead fred (1991)
9. Harry and the Hendersons (1987)
10. Beetlejuice (1988)
So that’s my full list of my favourite family movies that should keep you and your family entertained for endless hours.
Your turn, have you got any titles that you would like to see on this list? Please comment below.
Aw they just don’t make films like those anymore, I love Adventures in Babysitting and Drop Dead Fred, infact I watched Drop Dead Fred so many times I knew it word for word lol we still watch old videos because we have a 2 in 1 VHS and DVD player and I love it! Great post 🙂
Emma xx
Thank you sooo much for commenting, I truly love Adventures in Babysitting too. All of these titles really give me a warm feeling inside and i can’t wait to start my holiday challenge and collect as many as i can. If you see any of the above movies please let me know, i am so interested. PS I can’t believe you know Drop Dead Fred word for word that has made me smile. Thank you again Rachel x
We did exactly the same at the weekend. VHS player found in my parent’s loft and a bin bag of kid’s videos donated from Freecyle and the kids and I are happy bunnies. I don’t need to worry that they’ll ruin yet another DVD player or about little Joe rubbing a brand new DVD up and down the laminate floor, yeah the picture isn’t great and by golly they take an age to rewind but it’s a great idea for wet days.
Excellent i never thought of looking on Freecycle, and another good point is you don’t have to get worried about the video tapes being ruined like you do DVD. I am hoping to start looking around for some of these movies this week. I can’t believe that i have seen so many of the already in charity shops this year, wish i had picked them up. I love getting a hold of old things and giving them a fresh lease of life. Thank you for your comment Rachel x
Some fabulous retro films there! My son loves watching the old Star Wars films with his dad and I think they had on something called the Iron Giant the other day?! Not sure I could go back to VHS though after watching Bluerays.
interesting post and reminding those films we watched during childhood!
Visiting via I love my post hop.Have a Great weekend!
My kiddies have loads of VHS – we pick them up cheap (10 for £1) at local car boot sales. The only problem is the space they take up to store! Against your list, we have Gremlins and the Goonies on VHS (and DVD lol).
Love this post – you have impeccable taste in movies!!
I’m definitely going to have my kids watch Stand By Me, I absolutely love that film and the fab fab fab message behind it! We have so many videos at home that we can’t watch anymore because we’ve no VHS player! X
Great list! I love harry and the hendersons, stand by me, and back to the future. Bettle juice always gave me the creeps though!
Drop Dead Fred is one of my favorites! We have some old VHS movies, and my VHS is now broken. I’ll bring them to your house and we’ll have a VHS movie weekend with the kids! 😉
Some epic films there, definitely classics. I still have my Disney VHS’s from when I was little. x
I have loads of films on VHS,I only upgraded to dvd’s 3yrs ago,still have all my favourites on VHS
What a great movie collection but must admit to never watching Drop Dead Fred and Adventures in Babysitting. My favourite film from the 80’s would have to be The Outsiders closely followed by Pretty in Pink
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