If you are looking for Lego Movie Printable Masks then here are 9 of them totally free for your personal use. If you are planning a Lego-themed party or your Kids simply love wearing fun masks then these cool Lego printables will keep them amused for ages.
The Masks are great for keeping the kids entertained at Lego parties helping them get into the spirit and become their favourite characters easily.
In the below selection of 9 free Lego movie printables, you will find all of your Lego Movie favourites including the likes of Emmet, Batman, Wyldstyle and Bad Cop to name but a few. I hope you enjoy wearing your masks as much as we did at our Lego Themed Party. You can also use a 3d printer for miniatures to create your kids’ favorite heroes mini versions – it will be really fun.
If you like Lego-themed ideas… Then why not take a look at these 21 Lego Birthday Party Ideas that are totally amazing!
5 Step Instructions for your Free Lego Movie Printable Masks
- Click the link or image to take you to the online PDF version or you have the option to download and print later.
- Print on A4 Paper allow autoscaling of image.
- Once you have printed your Lego Movie Mask. Simply Cut Around the dotted lines.
- Cut the 2 holes out near the ears and place string through them to hold the mask to your child’s head..
- Cut the Eye holes out and you’re good to go!
Hi! Thanks for the idea! I’m planning to make these tomorrow for my sons Birthday party. What kind of paper/card stock did you use? I was looking for a Gloss card stock but not finding it in my local office depot. I haVe regular matte card stock but i’m thinking it would print dull and not look as nice. Thanks!!