If you have children sitting SATs then you are probably aware that children may become increasingly anxious in the days leading up to their SATs tests.
For Year 6 pupils, in particular, this can be a particularly nerve-wracking time as they may need to achieve certain grades to get into their Secondary School of choice
The teaching staff do a great job helping and guiding our children whether they agree with SATs or not. When our children are at home it is up to us as parents and grandparents to keep our children occupied and calm whilst they are subjected to their first examinations.
De-stress your Child During SATs
Starting the day that they do their SATs with a hearty breakfast will ensure that children maintain high energy levels throughout the exams. My son’s school offered toast and cereal for breakfast and snacks and longer break times to get fresh air throughout the day.
Remind children to read the instructions before starting the exam and to read questions thoroughly before answering them.
Tell children that they can only try their hardest and that you are very proud of them whatever the results and make sure they get to bed early the night before any SATs test.
Here are 20 Activities you can do with your child each day to keep them relaxed through their stressful time.
- Get your child outdoors and go for a bike or scooter ride.
- Get them to relax and read your child a Book.
- Watch their favourite TV program. Something that will cheer them up and help them relax for a short time.
- Make them laugh… Watching them laugh is priceless anyway, but getting them to giggle will make a good impact on their feelings.
- Eat things that are bad for them just this once like ice cream, cake, and sweeties.
- Visit a relative someone who your child loves, preferably someone who has a calming effect.
- Play video games. Ok, I wouldn’t always endorse this but they need to keep themselves occupied so worry can’t set in.
- This is one of my favourite Sats week activities. Let them play out with their friends because they will certainly forget all their worries whilst playing out with their mates.
- Make sure you talk to your child to see how they are feeling. If you are worried, speak to School.
- Play in the garden.
- Go for a run. This is very good for clearing your child’s head.
- Make sure they are prepared. In the run-up. Sit your child down and find out what they feel they are struggling in and then you can help them get on track.
- Watch a movie together with home- made popcorn
- Go for a picnic
- Why not do some simple crafts. You can really create some wonderful memories by simply making something your child loves.
- Get creative in the kitchen. Why not get your child to cook their favourite food or dessert. I am sure they will totally love that.
- Build a den in the house or garden. Again take your child’s mind away from the worries and make an indoor or outdoor adventure for them.
- Go walking in the woods.
- Take your child to a play area on their own or with their friends.
- Keep them occupied every evening. Tire them out so they fall asleep content and worry free. Maybe you could place a little lavender scent on their pillow and give them a hot chocolate before they rest their weary heads.
Do you agree with SATs Tests?
Have you any tips on how to relax your child during the SATs?
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