Feeling for Lego Simpsons 2014
A Complete Guide
Where to start Feeling lego simpsons 2014?
Well, I have the complete guide below to hopefully help you and get you heading in the right direction to Feeling lego simpsons 2014.
I have also added a printable version for you when you are in the shop’s having a good old feel of Lego’s foiled bag’s.
Why are these figures so Special?
The Simpson’s Lego Minifigures series is going to be one of the hottest collectible items there pretty much is to own. These are to be released in Conjunction with the 25th Anniversary edition of the Simpson’s series.
How will this guide help?
I have identified each Simpsons Lego Minifigures most unique features to feel for below.
After collecting Lego for a very long time and after recently completing the Lego Movie Figure’s Series, I thought I would pass these tips and advice on to help other fellow Lego Fans. I would seriously suggest carrying this Minifigure guide with you, so you too can collect the figures within no time at all and hopefully this will save you some money along the way.
This guide relies on you feeling each foil bag, but If you identify a few of the pieces you will soon know who you have inside the foiled packing.
The Technique
Firstly be prepared and carry this guide.
Secondly Shake those bags until every piece makes its way to the bottom of the bag. Then you will begin to feel each piece until you identify the unique features which I have listed in the How to Identify the Lego Simpson’s Minifigures Guide.
How to Identify Lego Homer Simpson
Unique Features to Identify
1. The Doughnut, this will feel like a small round,but slightly thick in shape, This is certainly one you will have to shake the bag for.
2. Homer is the only figure to have the small rectangular brick, Once you have this you will clearly have identified his mobile phone.
Homer’s head is a similar shape to Grampa’s so don’t get confused and take your time. If you are uncertain, check he doesn’t have the spikes for hair on top of his head.
How to Identify Lego Marge Simpson
Unique Features to Identify
1. The Hair, That’s really simple to feel because it is quite long and has bobbles on it, you should easily identify her through this piece alone.
2. The Bag, If you really want to be certain, feel for the bag and for the round handle, Marge is the only figure with a small kettle bell bag.
How to Identify Lego Bart Simpson
Unique Features to Identify
1. The Hair, You will be looking for the Spiked head-piece in this bag.
2. The Skate Board, Well, I think this is going to be by far the most identifiable piece in Bart’s Minifigures foil bag, just feel for the board and wheel’s.
How to Identify Lego Lisa Simpson
Unique Features to Identify
1. The saxophone, Once you have your finger’s on this you will know, just feel for the shape.
2.The Body, Lisa has a frilly piece around the bottom of her body, Run your fingers around each body to identify this piece.
How to Identify Lego Maggie Simpson
Unique Features to Identify
1. The Bear, Feel the bag, this will be harder to identify but the bear’s head and arms will certainly give the additional piece away for sure.
2.The Hair, Now Maggie has the same hair almost as Lisa, So the bear is certainly the biggest giveaway, However I would locate the bear first and use the hair to confirm.
How to Identify Lego Scratchy
Unique Features to Identify
1. The Axe, Make sure you get the piece to the bottom of the bag and feel for them, This should be fairly easy to identify once you have your hands on it.
2.The Ear’s and nose, Scratchy’s head stick’s out and his ear’s will easily help you identify this character.
How to Identify Lego Itchy
Unique Features to Identify
1. The Club, Feel for the club there is nothing else like this and you should easily identify the character.
2.The Ear’s, Again, no other character has ear’s like this so Itchy should be relatively easy to identify.
How to Identify Lego Ralph
Unique Features to Identify
1. The Head, This will be small and beady, I think this will be one of the harder character’s to identify in the series.
2.The Valentines Day Card, Make sure you really feel the head because the card is the same shape as Millhouse’s Biclop’s book.
How to Identify Lego Nelson
Unique Features to Identify
1. The Head, The middle piece of hair should really help you feel this character, and then check for the two teeth.
2.The Baseball Bat, This should be easy to identify and really assist you in finding the character.
How to Identify Lego Ned Flanders
Unique Features to Identify
1. The Toolbox, No other character has this shape and therefore you should find this easy to identify.
2.The cup, Be sure to find the toolbox first because Apu has a cup and you may mistake him for Ned Flanders.
How to Identify Lego Mr Burns
Unique Features to Identify
1. The Goldfish Bowl, Now this will feel like a regular Lego Figure Head but if you look closely, you will see no one has a regular Lego Head. You may have to feel for this for a while, but I am sure you will be able to identify this piece if you shake the bag enough.
2.Feel for the Nuclear cylinder, This piece will be hard to identify making Mr Burns another one of those figures you will have to be really serious about finding to complete your collection.
How to Identify Lego MillHouse
Unique Features to Identify
1. The Head and bulbous nose, you will have to find the head. Just look at the picture and really concentrate on finding the nose. This is important because Millhouse has a different shaped head to Ralph.
2. The Biclops book, This is square and large it will feel flat, but It is similar to Ralph’s so if you find this begin to check for the head straight away, remember Ralph’s head is small and round.
How to Identify Lego Krusty
Unique Features to Identify
1. The Hair, Krusty’s hair has three peaks, feel for the peaks two large and one small, try not to mistake this for Maggie’s bear it should feel different because it’s more rigid.
2.The Pie, Find the pie, it’s round and has small peak’s around the edges, it also has a small base underneath. If you find this check the head and hey presto, you should have Krusty.
How to Identify Lego Grampa Simpson
Unique Features to Identify
1. The Hair, Grampa has around seven small peaks on top of the long head, run your nail over the peaks to be sure, Plus his head is shaped like a pineapple.
2.The Newspaper, Once you identify the Head, check for the newspaper this again is similar to other Lego figures so the head will be the most identifying feature.
How to Identify Lego Chief Wiggum
Unique Features to Identify
1. The Hat, look at its shape, its flat on top and has a diamond style shape underneath running to the front peak of his hat.
2.The Megaphone, This should be easier to identify with is circular end and small handle, you will certainly have to shake the bag to find this piece because it’s not that large.
How to Identify Lego Apu
Unique Features to Identify
1. The Hair, Find the head and work your finger around the contour of the head, notice his hair is quite large and curved, your skills at feeling will have to be on form for Apu too.
2.The Cup, If you think you have identified the hair, then head for the cup shake and shake some more it has no handle so you are looking for a small but thick cylinder shape.
Remember, if you don’t get the character you want, you could always sell them on the internet through lots of various sources.
I hope this post was of some use to you and even I will be using this to assist me Feeling lego simpsons 2014. Don’t feel embarrassed having a good feel of the bags because staff in most stores are more than happy to help you find the Lego Simpsons figure you need.
Please share this post with as many Lego Fans as possible to allow them to also get the ultimate Simpson’s Lego collection.
Download How to identify the Lego Simpson pdf or alternatively print through the browser.
Also check out brickipedia for further info on all Lego Products, it’s an amazing source.

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Gosh, I didn’t even realise people did this!
(A handy guide for buying the right lotto ticket would be brilliant if you don’t mind!)
There are loads of people who do this! I mean who wants to spend money on figures they don’t need. I have used this today and this guide works. I have located so far Ned Flanders, Bart Simpson & Scratcy. I aim to have the set within two weeks hopefully. I will post some pic up once this is complete. I wish I could create a guide for winning the Lotto but I am still trying too. If you do come across one let me know ha!
Simpsons lego loos great fun for kids and adults 🙂 x
oh wow my kids would love simpsons lego
I am tempted to go shopping after reading this. I havent got a single one yet.
Oh, how I do love the Simpsons. Good they are available in lego for the kids to use. Lego is so popular and versatile.
I’m looking forward to the guide for the second series of Simpsons minifigures!