Christmas family games are a fantastic way to relax, bond and have fun around the table at Christmas time. It is so refreshing for family and friends to get together without electronic devices and have some good old-fashioned fun. If that’s with a board game, playing charades, or blasting out some tunes on the karaoke. […]
Choosing Between a PC or Console for Gaming This Christmas
Buying techy presents for modern children can be a challenging process. Many parents don’t keep up with the latest trends in gaming, making it tricky to know exactly what you are looking for when you are searching for the best Christmas present this year. To help you out with this, this article will be giving […]
Review – Venturer EliteWin S 11KT 2-in-One Mini Laptop
The Venturer EliteWin S 11KT Laptop has become my staple computer for whenever I’m out of the home due to its size, functionality and convenience. Over the past weeks I have been finding myself using the Laptop far more often than I had originally believed I would due to the fact that, as it’s lightweight […]
ARMS for Nintendo Switch Review
A few weeks back, the ARMs Global ‘Test Punch’ went live on the Nintendo Switch at 1 pm, 7 pm and 1 am on Saturday the 27th and 3rd along with Sunday the 28th and 4th and I poured as many hours as I could into it. With the game releasing on the 16th of […]
EE Robin Tablet – For little hands and young minds
The EE Robin Tablet is a new device in the everlasting trend of Tablets built specifically for kids of ages 0 – 7 with fantastic features for little hands and young minds. The Robin Tablet at its core functionally identical to a standard issue tablet device which runs the Android OS however, you are able […]
Festival Of The Lost – Destiny Halloween 2016
As with most all popular games these past few weeks, Destiny has begun its annual Halloween event Festival Of The Lost – Destiny Halloween 2016 and those who were present for the previous ‘Festival of the Lost’ (Watch the Trailer here) will know what this entails, however for the one’s viewing who are out of the […]