Springtime Kid’s Books Giveaway
Little tiger Press competition
Win a collection of Little tiger press Children’s reading & activity books, Perfect Springtime stories and activities to entertain your little ones!
My Little Box of Springtime Stories (£9.99/Age 3+)
This adorable carry case includes five springtime stories. Join in the festivities with curious bunnies, fluffy ducklings and a mysterious egg…
The stories are Fred and the Little Egg, Babbity’s Big Bad Mood, Rosie’s Special Surprise, A Duck So Small and Dora’s Chicks.
Little tiger press Kids: Baby Animals Sticker Activities & Farm Animals Sticker Activities (£6.99 Ages 3+)
Toddlers will learn all about baby animals and farm animals in these adorable sticker activity books from the Little Tiger Kids imprint. Each with 80 pages of activities, over 200 photographic stickers, doodles and learning activities, these bumper activity books will keep toddlers busy for hours – they are full of learning fun!
Who are Little tiger press!
Creating warm, bright, bold and appealing picture books, Little Tiger Press blends humour, drama and imagination to captivate young minds.
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- This giveaway is open to all UK residents only.
- A winner will be chosen via Rafflecopter and announced on this Competition page, Via Twitter and Facebook
- The winner will be contacted by e-mail, if they do not respond within 28 days another winner may be chosen.
- Any non delivery is unfortunately not my responsibility, yet I will try to help with any non delivery issues
- Entries will be checked before the Winner is announced
- Competition ends on 14/05/2014
Getting in the garden and making it look nice again for late spring and summer after all the bad weather over winter – especially so my 2 boys can play again in the back without having to cope with long grass, weeds, and messy patio
I love the Spring flowers and the lighter mornings!
http://umeandthekids.com/skylanders-birthday-party/ – commented thank you!
The beautiful wild flowers and the trees coming back to life.
Better weather!
I love being able to spend more time outside and seeing all the flowers blooming
My favourite thing about spring is daffodils, and going outside!
I love the warmer weather and brighter days
I love the light nights longer days
Days are longer and brighter – and that makes me feel that I can do anything! Generally, it means not being confined to the house as much and being able to take advantage of all natures wonderful stuff!
I love the spring weather.
the supposed better weather so we can spend days having picnics at the park
The days getting longer and warmer.x
I love waking up to bright sunshine and being able to go out in the sun
baby animals being born
Longer days, nice weather playing in the garden 🙂
Getting out into the garden and down to the park with my little boy!
The Dawn Chorus!
Seeing the blossom on the trees
I love the lighter nights and to be able to start getting into the garden.n
the warmer days and lighter nights
The lighter days – allowing more time spent outside!
http://umeandthekids.com/montagne-jeunesse-new-brazilian-mud-fabric-masque-review/#comment-35630 I commented here 🙂
i love spring, just really enjoy seeing the spring bulbs pushing up and flowering and my daughter was born in spring, so its always got happy memories.
Love the light mornings and nights and being able to get out in the garden again 😀
I love all the spring flowers, they are so colourful.
The flowers
The flowers blooming
The easter holidays.
Seeing all the flowers start to grow .x
The weather getting warmer.
It finally gets warmer
The weather! Not too hot and not too cold…..Usually! 😀
all the baby animals 🙂
better weather!
The weather – not too hot, not too cold
The fresh smell!
watching all my seeds start to grow 🙂
Pottering about in my garden, planting up my baskets and tending to my veg
Flowers blooming, a bit more sunshine 🙂 and lighter nights
The lighter evenings and warmer weather
Seeing the flowers blossom and a bit of sun peeking through
Blooming flowers 🙂
Nicer weather (I’m still waiting…)
Going out more, enjoying the garden and smaller heating bills 🙂
The lovely colour that comes into my garden.
Planting seeds
The lovely fresh warm air 🙂
All the baby animals 🙂 X
the fact that days are getting longer and the summer is just around the corner
Being able to finally get into the garden to play with my 3 boys x
New life 🙂
I commented here http://umeandthekids.com/make-scary-halloween-treats/#comment-43951
The warmer weather
Daffodils! I love them
The blossom on the trees, flowers emerging, the feeling that summer is just around the corner!
being outside 🙂
the blosson. well until it rains and makes it go all gooey on the floor ha
Love the weather getting warmer and the light mornings and nights x
I love having a bit more nice weather. Not that we get much. I also love it being brighter later at night 🙂
Baby lambs and blossom on the trees and light nights
I have enjoyed reading about these books and will be adding them to my Christmas shopping list for my three year old grandson. I am sure he will love them.