The power of a bedtime stories!
After writing a post for World Book Day, It got me thinking back to my childhood where I used to love my Mum reading to me at Bedtime.That cosy feeling when you are wrapped up snug in bed listening to your Mum reading you your favourite story, Listening to your favourite characters come to life with expression.
Reading to my Children
When my children were younger, I used to read to them every night. After bath time all clean, they would jump into bed in their PJ ‘s and snuggle up under there duvet, a glass of milk and biscuits by the side of the bed. I would enjoy bringing the characters in their favourite books to life.
Our favourite book was the Magic Faraway Tree and the Folk of the faraway Tree. We would read them over and over until we felt we really knew the characters in the book. Opposite my house there was a huge tree just like the one in the Magic Faraway Tree and we used to imagine it really was the Tree from the book.
When Children get older
When Children get older, they start to read independently and shun the chance of a bedtime story. It isn’t cool for Mum or Dad to read bedtime stories well, so I have been told by my boy’s!
After I wrote my post on World Book day, I also ran a competition to find my favourite fancy dress Boy or Girl. I choose Demi as our lucky winner, who was dressed as ‘Miss Root’ from Demon Dentist. I am sure you will agree with me that she looked amazing!
I had bought my son The Demon Dentist for Christmas, after he had read all the other fantastically funny books written by David Walliams. As he was already reading The Hunger Games Trilogy so I knew it would be a while before he got around to reading this book. As children get older they tend to spend more time away from their parents, well they do in my house anyway. I decided to take action and try to spend 20 minutes a night reading this book to my son.
Each night he jumped into bed with a glass of milk and biscuit, With The Demon Dentist book ready for us to dive right in!
The results were far better than I ever imagined, We both looked forward to our 2 chapters a night, sometimes 3 when we just couldn’t leave the story on such a cliffhanger.
It was supposed to be a relaxing time before he went to sleep, Although sometimes this didn’t quite work out this way. For example, through the first few chapters I was nearly in tears with the relationship between the boy and his Dad, yet what happens in chapter 12,13 and 14 had me and my son in stitches, we were laughing and crying hysterically that much we woke up the rest of the house!
I will not spoil the story by telling you what happens, only I will never be able to look at a Moped or a drama teacher in the same light again.
I have developed my voice for Miss Root that actually terrifies my son, all I have to say is ‘Come to Mummy’ and he is freaked out.
I even made a tube of ‘Mummy’s special toothpaste’ and left it in the bathroom in place of my son’s regular toothpaste, he ran out of the bathroom in horror, whilst his Dad and I were laughing our heads off outside the bathroom door.
I would like to Thank Demi for inspiring me to read this book with my son, we have only 2 chapters left and do not want the book to end. I am really pleased she was Happy with the book we sent as her prize.
We are having such a special time together reading this book with our drinks and cookies, giggling and looking forward to our nightly read.
I would encourage other Parents to give this a try, my son has expressed how much more he has enjoyed reading this book as I make the characters so much more believable and fun.
Anyone got any suggestions for what we should read next?

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You’re right about never being too old for a bedtime story. My son will always listen to me reading to him. It was the best way to help him revise at school 🙂
I love this post! I love that books can always bring people together. Sounds like you and your family are having a great time – thanks for sharing. :o)
My son as Mr Stink book. he really loves it, one of his favs
I absolutely love people reading to me, even if it is just my Kindle ha x
I totally agree with this. We managed to get our hands on an old copy of ‘The House That Sailed Away’ recently and Stacey and I had lots of fun reading it together.
Oscar is also developing a love of books and he’s only 11 months. His favourite is a Peppa Pig one and he likes to point at Daddy Pig and shout “Dada” at the top of his voice. Lol
Louise x
Confessions of a Secret Shopper | An Undomestic Goddess
This is lovely, I want to try this with my little sister not sure why it sounds so foreign to me but I didn’t grow up with bed times stories. Not sure what book you should read next but I will enjoy finding out for you
Thankyou for your lovely message. It is really nice that you are considering doing this with your little sister, even though this is not the Normal thing for you, having not had this in your child hood. Get a book that she looks really interested in.The David Walliams or Roahld Dahl are a great place to start for boys and girls. Let me know how it goes and if your sister enjoys it! Don’t forget the milk an cookies!
I love reading to the children, my oldest is beginning to grow out of it and it makes me sad though I do catch her listening in still
So very true thanks for linking with #ReadWIthMe I have pinned and tweeted this post x
hi i loved reading this post and the book pics brought back memories
i loved reading as a child and love to read now. with the invention of ebooks im in my element reading more than ever but as a child you cant beat a real book you can touch and look at
i encourage all parents to read to there little ones from birth so they get the book bug as it opens a whole world of adventure x
very true! I listen to speech radio every night until I drop off, not exactly a story, but still.
I was SO excited when I saw the Demon Dentist – Grace LOVED this book and recently did a video review of it over on her blog, kidglloves. Miss Root is a great character to dress up as too. We have all the David Walliams books and just need to read Ratburger to complete them all. Thank you for linking to PoCoLo 🙂 x
The Magic Faraway Tree was always one of my favourites as a child, I must find that and read it to my kids! #bloggingmumscarnival
This sounds like a great idea. I haven’t read to my eldest kids in years. As for what to read next, there are books by Emma Kennedy and Catherine Wilkins which may be worth a go. Thanks for linking up! #MumsdayMonday
You should certainly get those books out and read to your kids, It’s such a magical experience! Thank you for your comment.
My son loved The Demon Dentist. He is currently reading Carrie’s War, it surprises me how much he is enjoying it. #MumsdayMonday
Awww, that’s brilliant! The Demon Dentist is superb, I loved the book. My son really is frightened to heck reading the book though ha. We haven’t read Carrie’s war yet, I hope he really enjoys it. You will have to let me know, what your son thinks of this book.
Books are indeed a wonderful way to bring people together. Reading at bedtime is important all through life, it helps the brain settle for sleep. Personally it is the ONLY way I can fall asleep 🙂 Great post. David Walliams is fab!
should have added #MumdayMonday!
we love reading at bedtime and seeing those enid blyton books brought back some fab memories for me i love them! #bloggingmumscarnival
Enid Blyton books are awesome, there is nothing better than a cosy bedtime story. I love that this post actually help you recall lovely memories from your childhood. I love to read, I personally don’t think there is anything better. Rachel x
Gorgeous post and pictures, bedtime stories are so vital to bond and educate as well as wind the day down at night…sad to think my sons won’t want me to read to them or together when they get older 🙁 Thanks so much for linking up to #brilliantblogposts. Please link back or add my badge. Thanks!
Thank you! Your lovely comment means a lot to us.
I dont think were ever going to stop with the stories. We go beyond the book. After reading a book we continue stories from our head and I love what his mind can weave out. Love your post. #MBPW
I just wanted to share with you that my favourite book as a child was Enid Blyton’s Up the Faraway Tree. My poor mother had to read it over and over and over again! I have such fond memories of it, that it means it is so worthwhile. I still have my book, and notice that they are becoming collecters items!
It is about thirty years since I last read bedtime stories to my son. I have five grandchildren and wish I had the opportunity to read to them. Being able to read bedtime stories to your children is quite a privilege really. My personal favourites from when I was a child were any Enid Blyton stories.
Sharing reading stories with the children is such precious times.
Love a good bedtime story & what great costume!
I also love The Faraway Tree books by ENid Blyton – so will definitely be buying a copy of Demon Dentist. Thank you!
Books are great fun, entertainment and can be educational. There is such a vast selection. World Book Day is a great Celebration.
Lovely post! I love reading to my little ones 🙂
Either myself or my husband used to read to our sons every night when they were little. Now our eldest has children of his own & he reads to them every night as he remembers it with such fondness.
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