Overwatch is one of the biggest games of the year and has started it’s second major event an Overwatch Halloween event after the summer games in August. It is dubbed ‘Junkestein’s revenge’ and includes a new time limited loot box along with a permanent special game mode until November 1st which shares it’s name with the event.
Overwatch Halloween Event
Included in the loot boxes is over 100 different items such as spray’s, icons, emotes and highlight intro’s but most importantly 12 new skins, 8 epic rarity skins and 4 legendary skins. The new Halloween skins include:
- Pumpkin Reaper
- Witch Mercy (which I was lucky enough to obtain)
- Dr Junkenstein
- Junkenstein’s monster for Road Hog
- Immortal Soldier 76
- Demon Hanzo
- Ghoul Ana
- Tombstone Bastion
- Skelton Zenyatta (Skullyatta)
- Coldheart for Reinheart
- Vampire Symmetra
- Possessed Pharaoh
When you first load up the new update you’ll be automatically given one new Halloween loot box each time you level up until November 1st.One noticeable improvement is that with this event you are able to purchase the skins, although at three times the credit’s as normal (3000 for Legendary’s etc). You can also buy them through the in-game store using real money at 2 for £1.59, 5 for £3.99, 11 for £7.99, 24 for £15.99 and 50 for £31.99 through the Blizzard official store.
Finally, there’s the game content itself. Some map’s, such as ‘Hollywood’, have been given Halloween touch up’s with no in-game effect and a time limited game mode. In the new game mode, you and three others choose from easy, medium or hard difficulties and between the characters Soldier 76, Ana, Hanzo and Mcree. You then proceed to play a horde style battle with boss fight against ‘The Reaper’, ‘Junkenstein’s Monster’, ‘Dr Junkenstein’ and finally ‘The Witch’ who revives all other bosses for a final showdown. All the while you have Zomnic’s, Zombie Omnics ( Robots), trying to explode at the gates and defeat you. There are four new achievements each with their own unique spray’s as a reward and give you a goal to strive for.
All in all, this update is much better than the previous one in august due to a simply better game mode and better skins. Make sure you give this one a try before the end of the month
This is Jake and after a break from writing posts for the blog, I’m back and better than ever!
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