Engaging children in simple kitchen activities can serve as an excellent method for enhancing their fine motor skills. These are the skills that dictate the movement of small muscles, such as those in the fingers and hands. When toddlers assist in kitchen tasks such as stirring, pouring, or using utensils, they are not just taking […]
Parenting is not easy, I know that. We can all help one another with bits of advice, fun creative ideas for kids and seasonal activities that will hopefully make your parenting feel a little easier with happy kids
Keep or Get Rid: What To Do With Old Baby Stuff
After you’ve had a baby, and they’ve started growing up, you soon realise that you’re left with things that only really serve a purpose for a baby. Old baby swings, baby gates, cribs, baby clothes, toys – the list goes on and on. Now, your initial thought is that you keep absolutely everything. Sure, that’s […]
Gender Reveal Party Ideas
Gender reveal parties are a relatively new trend that involves both the expecting parents and the guests discovering the gender of the unborn baby at the same time. Nowadays, many expecting parents are choosing to find out the sex of their baby before birth, so telling other people about this news has become really important. […]
4 Ways Your Children Will Benefit from Living Abroad
Starting a new life abroad might be something that you’ve always dreamed of. But once you’re a parent, you need to consider what effect a move like that will have on your little ones. Moving so far away can be stressful for us adults, but it can be even more so for our kids, especially […]
20 Sports To Consider For Your Kids
Kids are curious beings. They love to explore, learn new things, and try new activities. And one of the top ways for them to do so is through sports. Sports offer a myriad of benefits for kids, including physical fitness, good diet, teamwork skills, head smarts, hand-eye coordination skills and more! This article will present […]
7 ways to prepare for your child starting school
Your child starting school is a pretty big deal. Not only can the realization that they are growing up hit you like a tonne of bricks, but there’s also a fair bit of planning to do to make sure they have everything they need. Here are 7 ways to prepare for your child starting school. […]
5 Ways to Help Pay for Your Child’s College Tuition
College education sets a child up for a better financial future and expands their access to opportunities by connecting them to mentors, advisors, and a network of colleagues. As a parent of a soon-to-be college student, you already know this and are committed to ensuring your child attends college when the time comes. However, with […]
Encouraging Your Toddler to Sleep in Their Own Bedroom
Getting your toddler to sleep in his or her room can be challenging if they keep crying or are in the habit of climbing into your bed in the middle of the night. Here are some ways you can make their own bedroom more appealing to them. Choose the perfect bed for your toddler If […]
Ways to Save Money as a Parent
Want to save money as a parent? Check out these simple tips to boost your bank balance. Glasses Buying a pair of glasses for yourself may seem like a big expense, which could be better spent on family, but will often work out cheaper than using contact lenses. If you’re struggling to work and do […]
Getting your Baby to Sleep Through the Night: Practical Tips for New Parents
Parenthood is all about overcoming certain challenges. Most parents would agree that the first hurdle they face when having a baby is getting them to sleep comfortably throughout the night. If the baby isn’t sleeping well, then no one in the house is going to sleep well. There are a number of tips that new […]