Potty training is a stressful and frustrating time for parents at the best of times and mix that in with covid 19, well pass me the gin thats all I can say! I have been potty training my very strong-willed daughter and have noticed how different it is from when I potty trained my sons, […]
baby and toddlers
Ideas for your baby and toddlers 0 - 2 years of age. Pre-School learning, clothing and funky things for parents to do with your children before they go to school.
SAHM needs to be taken seriously by all Stay-at-Home Parents
What comes to your mind when you hear that someone is a stay-at-home mom? Typically, there is a stigma attached to the term SAHM. Society likes to think about stay-at-home mothers differently than they feel about stay-at-home dads. It is typical to hear the opinions that stay-at-home moms would be having the time of their […]
Essential Nursery Products Tried and Tested
Having a baby and choosing essential nursery products is like entering a minefield of the endless choice of baby gadgets. Even for me on my third child so many things had changed, baby products had been revamped and updated and the abundance of baby and nursery products available is immense and to be honest for […]
Congratulate the new arrival in your life with the perfect present!
If your family, friend, or loved one has just had a baby or is excitedly anticipating the arrival of one, you have come to the right place. Giving the perfect gift for a little one can be a daunting and confusing process. Finding that special something to take the new arrival from birth and beyond is […]
4 Reasons a Caravan Holiday is Perfect for Families with Small Children
Getting away on holiday with little ones can be quite stressful. If you have just one small child, a baby or a toddler, then you can still enjoy a short holiday to a resort with just a little extra baggage and a few added precautions, but as your family grows, it becomes harder work. Holidays […]
Explore Bedfordshire for a Fun Day Out with the Kids
If you are looking for somewhere to take the kids for a fun day out then there are many great places to consider up and down the country. One place which is certainly worth visiting is Bedfordshire in East England as this is a beautiful part of the world and somewhere with a handful of […]
4 Tips on how to be an Exemplary Parent
Exemplary parenting does not mean that as parents, we have to be faultless since that’s an impossibility, it just means that as parents we ought to model behaviour that we want to see. We already know that our youngest children will copy us, from our mannerisms, how we talk on the phone and of course […]
5 Tips for Helping Your Introverted Child Thrive
Introverted children have a lot to offer; they are often passionate, creative and deep-thinking, bringing a different type of social dynamic and energy both at home and school. An introverted child might be frequently is characterized as being shy, but they are simply interacting in a more reserved, careful manner. This could lead to social […]
Peppa Pig Electronic Early Learning range Review
We are massive Peppa Pig fans in our house so were delighted to be asked to review and give our thoughts on the Peppa Pig electronic learning toy range. My daughter was so so excited when we opened the parcel to find the Count with Peppa and the Peppa Pig Laugh and Learn Laptop. Take […]
Hape High Seas Wooden Toddler Rocking Ride On Review
Award Winning Hape High Seas Wooden Toddler Rocking Ride On features a wood rocker with nautical design which makes a great ride for toddlers the age of 12 months and above. This toy also helps develop balance skills, coordination skills, encourages movement and develops motor skills. Foundations of Walking Rocking and riding are foundational to walking. […]