Potty training is a stressful and frustrating time for parents at the best of times and mix that in with covid 19, well pass me the gin thats all I can say!
I have been potty training my very strong-willed daughter and have noticed how different it is from when I potty trained my sons, but one thing stayed the same the accidents and constant changing of clothes and bedsheets. Keeping my little girl dry in the day has not been the biggest hurdle for me as because of lockdown we have been at home more so the potty has always been on hand. The biggest issue for me has been keeping her dry at night as we co-sleep in the same bed I found myself having to change the bedding on a super king bed every night.
Potty Training – Night Time Accidents

As a parent, you really do not need any extra tasks on top of all the other 100 jobs a day being a parent includes. I was happy to try anything to relieve the endless washing of bedding and changing sheets at 3 am and then my saviour in a box arrived …… The Peapod Mat.
The Peapod mat lies on top of the bedsheet and stays in place all night long and can be washed in the washing machine and tumble dried too so all ready for the next night. My daughter loves how super soft it feels and Is Reliable, absorbent, 100% leak-proof and In 3 months has never let me down. I no longer have to clean all the sheets and duvet cover just this one mat.
Since using this mat I have discovered how versatile it is as it’s perfect for bedwetting, leaky nappies, toilet training, incontinence, co-sleeping, night-time nursing, nappy-free time, travel, post-surgery, and many more. It’s great for when little ones have accidents with sickness bugs or even something as simple as spilling a drink on the bed.
The PeapodMats consist of 3 layers of breathable terry cotton, grid stitched to prevent bunching with a Polyester liner to absorb and disperse moisture, and a brushed polyester that grips to surfaces, coated with breathable TPU (Thermoplastic Polyurethane) waterproof layer. The best thing is it’s Eco-friendly and cost-effective – lasts 500+ washes!
As a blogger and a Mother I try many new products and hand on heart I can honestly say I don’t know how I have lived without my Peapod Mat. My only night-time problem now is actually getting my daughter to sleep…Any tips on this would be greatly received.
Wonderful review, thanks Rachcel! x