Are you struggling to work from home? A lot of people have this issue for a number of reasons, and you have got to get on top of it and figure out what you’re going to do about this. The best thing that you can do is identify the root of the issue so that […]
3 Tips for the Self-Employed Mum
When you want a self-employed career that you can undertake around your parenting responsibilities, it can be quite difficult to find employment. While there may be a number of jobs available in schools or other career paths that involve term-time working, these options might not fit with your desired role or skill set. Instead, you […]
What To Think About As You Head Back To Work
The last two years have been a rollercoaster of a ride, especially when it came to parenting. Parents with older kids had to brace themselves for some interesting times. However, there were plenty of new parents that had their babies born during one of the many lockdowns. All of these parents are facing a new […]
Five Ways To Make WFH Productive
You can make a huge difference in your ability when Working From Home if you set up the right environment. Because you spend so much time there, making it productive is very important. Despite this, you may not find what works for others. The perfect home office setup is easy with these five tried-and-tested ideas. […]