Want to save money as a parent? Check out these simple tips to boost your bank balance.
Buying a pair of glasses for yourself may seem like a big expense, which could be better spent on family, but will often work out cheaper than using contact lenses.
If you’re struggling to work and do daily activities without glasses, investing in a pair can help with productivity. You’ll no longer struggle to get tasks done because of vision problems or cause yourself unnecessary discomfort from straining to see. Sitting too close to a computer screen can cause headaches, so if you struggle to see, or work in a bright office where the sun hurts your eyes, a pair of stylish Oakley sunglasses can help.
Compared to the financial cost of time off work with headaches, or feeling stressed over not getting enough work done, glasses are well worth the cost.
Save money as a parent – Look out for discounts
If you need to buy necessities for your family or home, finding a discount code website can help you get the best price. Alternatively, there are coupon sites where you get money off food shopping or cashback sites where you can earn money on items you were already planning to buy. This can then be saved to buy more household essentials, or towards a short break to treat the family.
Don’t overspend on clothing
Children may try to insist on having the latest fashions when their clothing needs replacing, but if they are still growing, they’re likely to outgrow these quickly. So, the best option is to buy similar, but cheaper clothing. Or if they have older siblings who have outgrown branded clothing, this can be passed down. It’s likely this will be in great condition as your older child has physically outgrown it, rather than damaged it with excessive wear and tear.
Save money as a parent – Shop around
If you see what looks like a bargain in one shop or website, it’s worth shopping around to make sure. It could be cheaper elsewhere. If not, at least you’ll know you got the best price. Or depending on the item, you might find one which matches what you need at a lower price. This could be an unbranded version or one with fewer features. If you aren’t going to make use of the extra features on the more expensive option, there’s no point paying extra for them.
Buy second-hand items if you can

Some items can be just as good if buy you them from a second-hand shop. A chest of drawers, for example, might be as good as a new set, which cost much more. Often people /get rid of items because they have seen a newer product they prefer, and there can be lots of reasons for people to have house clearances and get rid of furniture in great condition.
If you’re still dubious about buying something that has been used before, it’s worth going to look in a second-hand shop to see what is for sale. Then you can decide.
Sometimes the best way to save money or stress is to splash out on a one-off purchase. At other times, it makes sense to buy cheaper versions and spend some time shopping around.
‘This post was featured by Twinkl in their Cost of Living Crisis blog‘
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