Win a copy of Ghostbusters 1 & 2 on Blu-Ray
& Limited edition keyring
To celebrate the special 30th anniversary Blu-ray™ release of Ghostbusters, we’ve teamed up with Sony Pictures Home Entertainment to give one lucky winner a Ghostbusters keyring and copy of the Blu-ray!
From September 1 fans will be able to own the Ghostbusters 30th Anniversary Edition on Blu-ray™ and a two-disc Blu-ray box set, which includes the Ghostbusters 2 25th Anniversary Edition, debuting on Blu-ray. Both films have been fully restored and remastered in 4K and will be presented in high definition on Blu-ray from those 4K sources.
Both the Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters I & 2 Blu on-rays come loaded with exclusive bonus materials, including revealing conversations with director Ivan Reitman and Dan Aykroyd, as well as never-before-seen deleted scenes from Ghostbusters 2 and more. The Ghostbusters anniversary edition features the original music video of the Oscar® nominated song “Ghostbusters” by Ray Parker Jr., while Ghostbusters 2 includes the original music video for “On Our Own” by Bobby Brown. In addition, Ghostbusters will contain all previously released legacy content, commentary and an interactive Slimer Mode, offering fans a picture-in-picture graphical viewing experience.
The Blu-ray™ Anniversary Editions of GHOSTBUSTERS and GHOSTBUSTERS I & 2 are available now
Official Sony Trailer Below
GHOSTBUSTERS has been restored and remastered in 4K and will be returning to cinemas for one day only across the UK on October 28th.
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I loved seeing the marshmallow man!
My favourite bit has to be when Puff comes to life! 🙂
The marshmallow men!
When the cute marshmallow man appears 🙂
The theme tune. I love it!
I love marshmallow man
The fridge scene.
When slimmer attacks Winston after being chased through the hotel
In the Mayors office Bill Murrey (Dr Venkman) get to say one of the funniest lines in film history… in my ‘schoolboy’ opinion anyway, sorry don’t mean to offend anyone but it is funny…
The Marshmallow man
The old woman ghost in the library at the beginning 🙂 although I still can’t walk into an empty library without thinking about it!
Marshmallow Man!!
The famous catchphrase “He slimed me!” – classic xx
The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. I always wanted one as a kid.
The appearance of the Mashmallow man
The music at the end credits of the first film.
The fridge scene!
the marshmallow man
The theme tune is so catchy
I love the marshmallow man, I remember being really scared when I was little!!
Yep has to be the Mashmallow Man
To my Husband’s horror, I have never seen either film, but I do love the theme tune!
I like the part when they are inside the Statue of
When they find the mini “bad guy and his kingdom” in the fridge !!??!! LOL
library scene
i loved the marshmallow man
Ghostbusters II when the toaster dances to Your Love Keeps Lifting Me
Love the music, especially the theme tune
Has to be when Louis is released from the demons/ghosts or whatevers grip and he returns to his normal not got a clue self, brilliant stuff, had the pleasure of taking my boy to see this at the showcase cinema a while back when they were doing old re-run’s £2.50 each it cost was great to see it on the big screen again xoxox
Slimer was great!
When they go in the library in the opening scenes
When Dr. Raymond Stantz (Dan Ackroyd) thinks up the Staypuft Marshmallow man & he’s trying to explain to the others that he was trying to think of something nice & it just popped into his head.
When Bill Murray gets slimed
i love it when the toaster was dancing
vigo the bloke in the painting, used to scare me as a kid
definitely the theme tune!
The marshmallow man
Marshmallow Man roaming the city x
This quote:
“Yes it’s true… This man has no…”
You can fill in the rest!
Louis asking the horse if he’s the Gatekeeper
The staypuff marshmallow man. 🙂
I love Rick Moranis flattened against the glass windows of the restaurants!
I loved seeing the marshmallow man!
digging a hole in the pavement to put Ray in, police show up and Egon has his back yo
Seeing Marshmallow Man, as a kid for the 1st time, is something I have never forgotten.
The ghost in the library in Ghostbusters’ One – “he slimed me Ray, he slimed me”. And he looked so cute too.
It’s got to be when the marshmallow man comes walking along the street 😀
I love the Statue of Liberty when the pink slime starts dancing so she can move
my fave part is when slimer goes charging through them and covers them in slime
I just love Slimer!
I love the one liners from Bill Murrays character, so funny
My favorite part is when things get freaky in the kitchen for Dana, then she opens the fridge to an alternate dimension. “Zuuuulllll!!!” Awesome film.
Slimmer eating the food of the trolley in the hotel
The marshmallow man!
Slimer at the hotel!! 🙂
I feel so funky!
just love the theme tune, we all shout along
When they meet the green slimy ghost in the library
Generally? No favorite moments, cuz I love them all. <3
Favorite quote? "Vhy am I drippinks vis goo?"
Marshmallow Man…..also love Ghostbusters theme 🙂
I like all the slimey bits
The quote, ” “Since I joined these men, I have seen s*** that’ll turn you white,” – so funny!
when the painting come to life….I love that part.
I loved the Stay Puft Marshallow Man 🙂
The first time you see Marshmallow man!
marshmallow man haha . Oh, and shared 🙂
Any moment with Bill Murray involved! Legend 🙂
Are you going to see it in the cinema? I really want to go 🙂