For adults, the idea of getting a body piercing might not be something we think about often. In fact, depending on where the piercing is, it might even cause problems for us such as affecting our employment position. However, teenagers have every right to be more spirited and carefree, especially when it comes to something fashionable such as a piercing. But how exactly should parents react? Should you just shrug and let them get a piercing as long as they pay for it? Or is there a way to be more supportive about the whole thing?
This can be a difficult time for some parents. If you’re unsure how to react or how to show your support, then we’ve put together this post to help you out.
Should I be concerned if my teen asks about getting a piercing?
Not particularly. Some adults may be concerned because they still believe that piercings have negative connotations associated with them. However, this isn’t the case anymore. While there are admittedly many companies that won’t hire someone based on a piercing alone, that doesn’t mean that your child will be shunned from society just because they have a piercing.
In fact, piercings are incredibly fashionable and give your child a chance to express themselves with their fashion. They should be considered accessories that can be removed whenever. They don’t define your child for life and it shouldn’t be seen as something permanent that cannot be removed or changed out for something else.
However, if your child has done all of this research by themselves and is showing that they’re being responsible about it, then you can trust that they’re serious about getting a piercing. If your child has told you about all the risks, has already found a reputable salon with the appropriate insurance cover (see Marine Agency for more details about this), and has even spoken about their motivations for getting a piercing, then it’s a good sign that you can trust them. If a child goes to such lengths to try and convince their parents of something, you can rest easy knowing that it’s not a sudden decision that they’ve made overnight.
If your child suddenly asks you about getting a piercing then you may want to hold for a while to see what their motivations are. There are some children that love to play around with different ideas but may end up either regretting their choices later in the future. If your child is prone to trying new things and then forgetting about them, then you should wait to see if this is just a phase or a little idea that they want to try. Remember that a piercing is a long-term commitment that needs some time to heal before it becomes comfortable. If possible, wait for your child to ponder on the idea for a few days or even weeks before you agree to it.
Does the location of the piercing matter?
In some cases, yes. More visible piercings are going to be seen and might have an effect on what other people think of your child. There are some schools that will enforce a rule for no exotic body piercings, but most schools don’t really care as long as your child isn’t completely covered in piercings.
Depending on where your child wants their body pierced, it’s a good idea to do a bit of research yourself to see if there are any inherent risks or potential problems that come with the piercing. Most piercings are safe, but there could be some piercings that take a little longer to heal than others. A piercing should be seen as a long-term commitment even if it’s removable in the future. See Marine Agency with 32 years of tattoo & body piercing liability insurance experience to get the right coverage at the right price.
Don’t hesitate to share your thoughts
Sharing your thoughts about something such as a body piercing isn’t something that you should be ashamed of. Whether your child is thinking of getting belly bars, nose piercing or even simple earrings, you should always express your thoughts in a calm and collected manner. This will help give your child a second opinion and it can help grow a sense of trust between child and parent. Just don’t get too pushy with your opinions and don’t force your child to think the way that you do. This is one of the biggest mistakes you could make and will ruin any sense of trust or companionship that you have with your child.
Instead, learn to share your thoughts and give your opinions, but understand that your child has every right to disagree with you or have their own opinions about something. Don’t get into an argument with your child if they don’t agree with what you say. Instead, learn to see their side of the discussion and accept that a piercing is what they want and that they have their own reasons.
If you do suspect that your child just wants a piercing on a whim, then you may want to consider speaking to them about their motivations for getting one. If you can delay this for a few days, there’s a chance they might just forget about it. However, if they do speak to you about it day after day for weeks and they continue to convince you with the research they’ve done to dispel your worries, then you should probably consider giving them permission.
Signs that your child is serious about getting a piercing
There are quite a few signs that show your child is serious about getting a piercing, but the most important one for parents is being able to convince you that they’ve done plenty of research about it. It’s common for children to consider doing something and have their parents arrange it. For example, some children that want a piercing might have very accepting parents who will pay for everything, find the right salon, and even arrange an appointment for their child.
However, if your child has done all of this research by themselves and is showing that they’re being responsible about it, then you can trust that they’re serious about getting a piercing. If your child has told you about all the risks, has already found a reputable salon, and has even spoken about their motivations for getting a piercing, then it’s a good sign that you can trust them. If a child goes to such lengths to try and convince their parents of something, you can rest easy knowing that it’s not a sudden decision that they’ve made overnight.
Depending on how much of an allowance you give your child, you might also be able to tell they’re serious because they’re saving up, doing extra chores, or even considering getting a temporary job. If they understand that money doesn’t come easy and they’re doing everything they can to pay for the piercing themselves, then it shows that they’re motivated and willing to put in the effort. This shows that your child is willing to work hard for the things they want and they’re not going to just complain to their parents until they get their way. This is an excellent attitude to reward and you should really consider giving them permission if they’re willing to go the extra mile.
Some final words
One of the most important things to keep in mind is your child’s honesty. Telling your parents that you want to do something like getting a piercing isn’t easy, so you should respect that they were able to muster up the courage to do so. This is especially true for parents that are a little more strict. So if your child has come to you with a proposal and is explaining all the research they’ve already done, then you can rest assured knowing that your child is serious about this. Don’t react negatively and be supportive of them.
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