They say nothing is more exciting and overwhelming than being a new parent. You have a long journey ahead of you as you train and become more familiar with the routines and proper childcare methods. Your experience, so far, caring for your newborn baby until his or her first year in this world would make you agree with that, for sure.
Toddlers, however, are an entirely new ball game. They’re sure to rock your house (or world) with their newfound curiosity, energy, and mobility. They’re constantly learning about themselves, so they always want to exert their independence in every single way. As for you, you might need a few toddler gears to support your child’s learning endeavors.
You may have read many resources for what a baby or toddler needs and even asked for family and friends’ advice. Some parents seem too excited and hyped that they would tend to shop for all the products and gadgets to make their little lives more comfortable. On the other hand, some minimalists or parents are probably more practical to stick with the basics. That’s fine. Your baby just needs a few essential things anyway. Whether you are a parent yourself or are looking for a perfect present for your friend’s now-a-toddler baby, this article will provide you with information about the essentials you need:
Baby Clothes
The first few weeks of your baby means they don’t need to wear fancy outfits, so no matter how much you like to doll them up, you’ll have to wait for a few weeks more. It’s better to stick to clothes that are more comfortable, plain, simple, and cottony.
However, at the stage when your baby is already a toddler, clothing gets more fun as it doesn’t need to be as protective as it has to be during your child’s newborn days. Spend a little more on shoes, leggings, and jackets this time because they’re so versatile. For instance, leggings don’t have to be a toddler’s exact size to fit; they’re also easy to move in and is washable. What’s great about buying clothes for now-toddler babies is that your toddler won’t outgrow them quite as fast as when he or she was still a newborn.
Just always remember to think about comfort when shopping for clothes for your little one.
This includes the materials you choose, colors, and types you select. It’s advisable to consistently opt for organic materials for underwear and socks, as these garments maintain direct contact with the skin. Consider choosing cotton or bamboo underwear and wool socks for toddlers, especially for cold seasons. The plus side of organic materials is that they are available in various styles and colours, ensuring no compromise on your children’s style.
Bath Items
Schedule his or her bathing time for, at least, three times a week, depending on your toddler’s condition. It’s an important thing to consider, as a baby bath would sometimes result in skin irritation. So, it’s recommendable to seek advice from your pediatrician if you prefer to have daily baths instead.
Having said that, you could shop for very mild soap, shampoo, and lotion, which are great for sensitive skin. What’s fun about bath time with toddlers is that they can be in a regular tub and play with some toys more actively, so make sure you also have bath toys. If your now-a-toddler baby hates bath time, bath toys can help. Having some color-changing bath tablets and fun bath alphabets can entice your toddler into the baby-tub.
Of course, you shouldn’t forget the hooded towel, too, which makes going from the bathtub to the designated changing area or table easier.
Crib and Baby Gates
Investing in a sturdy and high-quality crib is of great importance. As much as you can be practical with clothing and bathing items, choosing a crib is a more serious matter. After all, it’s where they sleep and spend a lot of time in. Make sure to select a crib that provides extreme safety and security for your baby.
After a few months, when your baby has grown up a little, they would love to start moving around a little more. This is when a baby gate becomes essential too. Check out some of the fantastic baby gates included in the Best Extra Tall Baby Gates Review [2021] list.
Beddings and Linens
If you go for a different bed type for your baby other than a crib, it’s essential to consider the quality of their blankets, pillows, linens, beddings, and even soft plushy toys.
A toddler needs a soft blanket and pillow to sleep peacefully. Consider the blanket’s weight too. A baby could feel cold if it’s too light. On the other hand, using a blanket that’s too heavy will result in your toddler getting smothered by the heat. Make sure your child will grow adoring his or her beddings and linens by picking something cozy and pretty.
It’s also a good idea to get a cuddle lovey to pair with your toddler’s blanket to bring a sense of security when your baby sleeps.
It’s crucial to select the best kind of diaper for your baby, as diapers can sometimes cause discomfort and irritation. Whether you choose cloth diapers or disposable ones, you need to observe how your baby will feel while using them. Both kinds have their merits and demerits in terms of financial aspects and convenience.
The perfect diaper for toddlers depends on several factors. Most diapers currently use reusable adhesives. That way, users can stick and peel the strips if there’s a need to check the diaper without causing any damage to the nappy in case of a false alarm.
Another important consideration when choosing a diaper for toddlers is the level of absorption. It must be ultrafast to make sure your baby’s skin doesn’t get into maximum contact with the urine. Note, however, that excessive impermeability also makes the nappy less breathable, causing excessive sweating of your baby. Other things to consider are the elasticity of the anti-leakage barriers for ease of movement, as well as the softness of the diaper’s surface.
Feeding Essentials
Once an infant becomes a toddler and is ready to practice eating and drinking on his or her own, you have to be ready with your toddler feeding essentials. For the cups, you have tons of options to choose from; you can go for straw, sippy, or transitional ones. Don’t forget the utensils and bowls too. Of course, a bib can also be of great help.
If your child likes to eat together with the rest of the family during meal time, consider getting a high chair as well for your toddler’s comfort.
Grooming Essentials
Trimming your baby’s nails is crucial as these grow very fast and might hurt or scratch your baby’s skin. Find a good quality baby nail clipper, and make sure to check the length of your baby’s nails regularly. It would be smart to have them wear toddler mittens when sleeping to prevent any skin scratches.
Other grooming items you need to include on your list are a thermometer, toothbrush, and a wide-tooth comb.
Parents to a toddler must be used to tantrums and tears. It’s not surprising why many parents dread even a day out or vacation because they feel that they’ll have to carry their entire home with them to make sure that they can handle their children’s leveled-up curiosity, energy, and mobility. But, there’s no need to worry so much. Just stick to the basics, and as long as you have everything on this list ready and well-prepared, your baby will have no troubles living with you in your home sweet home or even when you’re out somewhere.
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