Playstation 4 Envy
I keep asking myself why on earth has everyone else managed to get a Playstation 4 but me? Now this may seem as though I am having a moan but I can assure you that I am not, well actually maybe I am. I mean how many hints does a guy have to drop to get this next generation console right here in my home.
After Christmas I know money is tight for pretty much everyone these days and we are no different but that still doesn’t stop me from wanting one, I hope that doesn’t sound selfish but I don’t spend much money on myself normally, but if my wife said let’s get one I would not say no.
I started my campaign to obtain a PS4 when it was officially announced early last year and was so impressed with the PS4 after trying it out at Eurogamer.
I thought to myself why not just plant the seed in my wife’s mind and keep watering the seed by mentioning how much I would like a PS4, honestly this has been done on a weekly basis.
I even (although this is probably the first my wife knows about this) tried to get my youngest son to add it to his christmas list. For the record that didn’t work even though I tried for sometime he just wouldn’t budge on other gifts he had on there, for him Skylanders always came first!
So on with my devious plan to get myself a Playstation 4 without having to spend the money myself and obtain it as a present. With my Birthday coming up soon I thought this would be a good opportunity to get the PS4 that I have longed for.
Now I really tried to do lots of jobs around the home, you know the ones that every fella hates doing like cleaning out the fish tank, keeping on top of the DIY and so on. Anyway after a week I found that challenge a little to difficult obviously setting the bar far too high, so I failed.
My wife did notice that jobs I had done and kept up to but within days of letting them slip I witnessed any chance I had of my PS4 Dream slowly disappear.
You may be wondering why on earth I want a PS4 so desperately well to be honest I love the Battlefield series and now the new game has been released the PS4 is by far my chosen console.
The PS4 has some amazing power under its hood and is the upgrade from the PS3 that I already own and every man I know loves to upgrade their electrical equipment when the new models come out.
When I get my PS4 and I say When as I can keep hoping that a PS4 will be replacing my PS3 soon, I will need to get peripherals and accessories that are available for the new
For my PS3 I have always purchased them from Gioteck as they produce good quality, long-lasting Gaming accessories. My controllers and headset have lasted for years, look really great sat next to my PS3 and are really good value for money.
I have already planned what accessories I will be purchasing for my PS4 and they will all be from Gioteck.
I will definitely need a Gaming Headset for the PS4 to speak to other gamers and most importantly so my wife doesn’t keep turning the volume down when I am in the middle of playing Battlefield and I know the ideal place to get PS4 headsets from.
I plan to get the Gioteck EX-06 Wireless foldable High Definition Stereo Headset, It is designed with superior materials for the perfect fit and finish, perfect for me as you can wear these for hours if you choose to without the uncomfy feeling that some headsets give.
Rich and detailed audio comes from the 40mm drivers with sure fit over-ear enclosures that deliver only the highest level of clarity at every frequency; if you need an audio boost, be sure to engage the virtual surround sound! These are made for the serious Gamer just like me!
I am sure you will agree with me these look very impressive.
I have 4 weeks left before my Birthday and I do feel slightly like a little kid before Christmas pestering there mum for the must have Toy. I think my wife has shut off now and become immune to my hints and to be honest I don’t blame her!
* This is a sponsored post but all the views and opinions are my own*
caroline tokes says
i cant wait to get a ps4 but havent got 1 either as yet
Cake Chops says
I think the boys would like a ps4 🙂 x
Claire Butler says
as much as my boys would love this or an xbox one i cant warrant teh start up costs. So they will have to dream unless i win one 🙂
Paul Wilson says
Looks a nice system. Battlefield is still better on a PC though. ;O)
Kirsty says
I’ve been wanting a PS4 for ages, maybe after Xmas 🙂 (shared)