Do your kids use the internet to look up information that they need for their school assignments? Do they also use it to play games, and to interact with their friends? That’s great! But, as a parent, it’s important to be aware of the fact that the internet can be a dangerous place for kids and teens. Thankfully, there are several tools that you can use to help keep your children safe from any trolling dangers while they surf the World Wide Web, and a few of them are discussed below.
Find Information About the People Your Kids Interact With
If your kids or teens interact with strangers online, such as when they connect to an online game that has a chat feature, or if your kids have befriended people online, it’s a great idea to do some research into those individuals. After all, anyone can hide behind a username and website, pretending to be someone that they aren’t. Your child might think that they are interacting with someone who is around the same age when in reality, they are talking to an adult with bad intentions.
As a parent, you can use tools to look up information about people quickly and easily. To give this a try, use Nuwber. Just type in someone’s name, phone number, or address to access additional details that can help you figure out if the person is truly who they say they are.
Use Parental Controls
The internet is filled with content that your child shouldn’t be exposed to at such a young age. The good news is that there are parental controls that you can use to prevent them from accessing content that you don’t want them to see.
Whenever you want to, keep your children safe while they surf take advantage of any built-in features that your web browser has to offer. You might also be able to tap into the restrictions that you can set right on any device that your child uses. And your internet service provider might also provide some nice features that can help you control the content that your child has access to. Just check the settings to see what you can immediately take advantage of for free.
Implement the Use of Antivirus Software
High-quality antivirus software can be super helpful when it comes to protecting your devices from malware. It can certainly be a worthwhile investment if you want to protect your computer and data and do your best to prevent hackers from accessing your information. But, in addition to all of the typical benefits that you can expect to derive from antivirus software, did you know that these products also often come with handy parental control features that can help you protect your kids while they are online?
Some examples of the parental control features on antivirus software include content filtering, remote monitoring, app blocking, and YouTube content filters, as a few examples. Take advantage of these if you can.
Don’t Forget to Educate Your Kids on How to Stay Safe Online
You can use all of the tools that you can find to keep your kids safe online, but it’s just as important to teach your children and teens about online safety. Tell them about the many steps they can take to protect themselves, and show them how to make smart choices while surfing the Web so they won’t fall victim to scams, viruses, and harmful people.
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