All parents can agree that as much as we love our children, spending time with them doesn’t always go hand-in-hand with a relaxing, easy-going day. In some cases, it can seem like we have to choose between our downtime and our children.
While parenting is certainly challenging to an inexplicable degree, it doesn’t have to be stressful – in fact, spending time with your kids can actually be relaxing! Of course, the concept of ‘relaxing’ is quite complex, as it’s different for everyone and will need some customization to actually do the trick.
Most of us have seen amazing posts about elaborate entertainment schemes which are undeniably marvellous in their own right. But, there are plenty of ways to create a laid back environment in which you and your kids can enjoy the time spent together in a relaxed way, without a hefty budget or spending hours on planning.
So, get ready to soothe your anxiety levels with these super simple tips on de-stressing while hanging out with your kids.
Isolate The Causes Of Stress

The most important factor of de-stressing while hanging out with your kids will come down to the cause of your stress. Whether it’s work, relationships, money, goals, or even just due to having a bad day, you will need to somehow isolate these stresses before trying to unwind.
It can be really easy for us to drag our baggage into other environments, without even knowing it. Isolating stress and forming this mindset before going ahead will make the world of a difference for both you and your kids.
Children copy the behaviour and feed off of the energy of others, especially adults whom they love and respect. If you are stressed, they will know, they will feel it, and they may begin sharing these feelings without even having a cause. Although adults do have worries that are undoubtedly important to various degrees, understand that children can experience stress and anxiety too, with or without a reasonable cause.
So, prepare your mind to allow these stresses to melt away, just as you would put worrisome thoughts on the backburner before heading to the spa for a pampering session. Regardless of how you spend time with your kids, this will be the most crucial aspect in making sure that the hangout session is relaxing for everyone involved.
Share Your Hobbies With Your Kids

The trickiest part of de-stressing is the fact that it’s different for everyone – even cooking or baking can be either soothing or stressful depending on what you enjoy. If you have hobbies that you enjoy doing to unwind on your own, why not share them with your kids? For instance, you might enjoy having a cup of drinking chocolate. This comforting, chocolate-based beverage can be an excellent part of your relaxation routine, and teaching your kids how to savor it could become a new, cherished memory.
Whether you love yoga, painting, sketching, dancing, singing, reading, or even sewing, sharing these moments with your children can be one of the easiest ways to make sure you’re doing something that relaxes you while simultaneously hanging out with your kids in a way that is beneficial for them. Share your interests, love, and creativity with them.
Discover new hobbies with your little ones as well. Since everyone has different interests, finding a common ground may work best for your family. For example, you and your kids can make friendship bracelets, necklaces, and various accessories using colorful seed beads one day. Another day, you can try hiking at your local nature park. Try new things together to figure out what family-friendly de-stressing activities you can all enjoy together.
Yes, you may need to plan a little for this, but the end result can be incredibly rewarding for both you and your kids. Who knows – your children may be far more interested in your beloved hobby than you may have guessed.
You’re Never Too Old For Games and Toys!

There is nothing quite like awakening your inner child and getting a bit silly from time to time. While adult life often demands that we put fantastical dreams and imagination on the back seat, hanging out with your kids is one of the most opportunistic places to take advantage of this freedom.
Of course, this should always be done to a healthy degree, but it can be unbelievably de-stressing to watch your everyday troubles melt away as they are replaced with fun and whimsical experiences. In addition, there are many games that can be beneficial for your child through teaching skills and sharing knowledge as well.
The options are endless with games and toys, and you can choose what games to set up for your hangout session. From learning words and fun facts, working on puzzle skills, or even creating an entire magical world, you’ll surely feel at ease knowing your kids are engaged in a way that’s beneficial and enjoyable for them while you say farewell to your every day worries.
Unwind With Mother Nature

If you have a backyard or can take some time for a walk in the park, planning a laidback outdoor hangout session can be quite effective in de-stressing while providing your kids with free and fascinating entertainment. From birdwatching, looking for bugs, or even just enjoying the fresh air, there is an entire world of fun that awaits you. Open up your mind to the natural wonders of the world, and use your own curiosity to inspire them to do the same.
When kids are engaged, the odds of them lashing out or causing you more stress are far lower when compared to a situation based on boredom. Fresh air and movement is one of the oldest and most classic methods for de-stressing, so this is certainly an opportunistic area that should be explored – literally.
Don’t Fret The Little Things

It can become quite easy to pick up on all the little things that could be done or said better, especially when you’re already stressed or anxious. But, in many cases, it’s simply not necessary, and it’s not doing you any favours in terms of soothing your troubles.
There are of course times where parents need to step in, but there are many times where we can actually skip the unwarranted interventions and let kids be kids. It’s not always necessary to say something or do something, and simply being there when it matters is often all that’s needed for our kids to be happy and safe.
So, when you’re looking to spend time with your kids and de-stress at the same time, consider sharing aspects of your life that will benefit everyone in unison, like hobbies, interests, and spending some time outdoors. While you will still need to supervise them, do yourself a favour and think about when you need to step in, and when you can continue relaxing. You may just find a few more minutes of peace and serenity than expected.
Article by Sara Law. Sara Law is a Marketing Assistant at Myer and has worked with such iconic Australian brands as Jetstar, Michael Hill, and more.
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